Week 6


JavaScript Recipes

Adding/changing an element's attribute:

// If the element is already on the page:
var el = document.querySelector("img");
el.setAttribute("src", "http://example.com/logo.png");

// If the element is NOT on the page (new el):
var el = document.createElement("img");
el.setAttribute("src", "http://example.com/logo.png");

Adding/changing an element's textContent:

// If the element is already on the page:
var el = document.querySelector("p");
el.textContent = "The quick brown fox...";

// If the element is NOT on the page (new el):
var el = document.createElement("p");
el.textContent = "The quick brown fox...";

Adding an element to the page with text content

Here's the first attempt:

var el = document.createElement("li");
el.textContent = "Go grocery shopping...";
var parentEl = document.querySelector("ul");

Notice how there are a bunch of hard-coded values? Let's move those out into variables:

var name = "li";
var text = "Go grocery shopping...";
var parent = "ul";

var el = document.createElement(name);
el.textContent = text;
var parentEl = document.querySelector(parent);

Now we have a pretty good candidate for a function:

function addElement(name, parent, text) {
  var el = document.createElement(name);
  el.textContent = text;
  var parentEl = document.querySelector(parent);

addElement("li", "ul", "Go grocery shopping...");

In that last example, you could imagine now putting that function in a helpers.js file and reference it from any program:

<script src="helpers.js"></script>


In javascript, when we want to store a list of things, we use an object called Array. Arrays can be created in javascript using square braces ([) like so: ['Avand', 'Rob', 'Sandi']

Like the other javascript objects we've looked at so far, Arrays have properties and methods that you'll probably find useful:

For Loops

In javascript, when we want to execute some code some number of times, we use a for loop. for loops are particularly helpful for doing something with each item in an array.

For example, the following code will add a list item to a list for each item in the array instructors:

var instructors = ['Avand', 'Rob', 'Sandi'];
var list = document.querySelector('ul');
var item;

for (var i = 0; i < instructors.length; i++) {
  item = document.createElement('li');
  item.textContent = instructors[i];


Conditionals are how we branch our code based on some condition in programming languages.

Often times, the condition in a conditional is based on a comparison of some values. In javascript, we use the following operators to compare values:

Conditionals are simply blocks of code wrapped in some condition statement. If this statement is true, then the code executes, otherwise it does not. They also provide a way to include alternative logic in an else block. In javascript, they look something like this:

var a = 1;
var b = 2;
if (a === b) {
  // this will NOT execute...:
  alert('how could this be!?!?!');
} else {
  // ...but this will execute:

Comparisons return booleans. We can combine booleans using the && (and) and || (or) operators. The following tables show how these operators will combine different boolean values:

&& (and) true false
true returns true returns false
false returns false returns false
|| (or) true false
true returns true returns true
false returns true returns false

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